How to Moisturize Skin Naturally?
Well, winters have already kicked in and it is the necessity of the hour to keep our skin moisturized for all occasions. But how do we do this? And that too at home? If this is your constant concern then worry not. You are at the right spot. As you keep reading, you will realize that you are surrounded by many pocket-friendly home remedies which can moisturize your skin naturally. Anytime. Anywhere.
But before proceeding to what those home remedies are, it is important to know what is moisturizing, why is it necessary, and how we moisturize our skin naturally.
What is moisturizing?
As per the Thesaurus, there are multiple definitions of moisturizing.
- to add or restore moisture to something,
- to moisturize one's skin with lotion,
- to make something moist,
- to neutralize a dry condition with moisture.
Why is moisturizing of skin necessary?
Moisturizing the skin, every day, is extremely necessary to reduce the chance of developing extreme dryness or oiliness. Both extremes are harmful to the skin and can cause significant common skin conditions like acne. Moisturizing is also beneficial to conceal or camouflage other skin blemishes. In nutshell, it simply restores the moisture of your skin to give you a soft healthy touch.
What will happen if you skip moisturizer on your skin?
If this happens, you'll notice that your skin feels dry, tight, and ashy. This is because you are rapidly losing water. Moisturizer doesn't just add water back into your skin but also traps in the water you already have to plump it up and protect it. Therefore, you just CAN’T SKIP MOISTURIZER.
Which body parts need maximum moisturization?
Though the whole body needs optimum moisturization yet there are certain parts of the body, such as your elbows, hands, knees, and neck, which are relatively more prone to dryness than others, hence demanding extra attention. Now to help soothe and soften these dry areas, you might want to consider applying body lotion, throughout the day as well as after your bath or shower.
What are some of the home remedies for moisturization?
Since we have already established why moisturization is necessary, let us now read about the various home remedies which will give us the much-required relief, and that too without burning any holes in our pockets.
- Coconut oil
A study conducted in 2014 found that coconut oil is as safe and effective as petroleum jelly for treating dry skin. Why? Because coconut oil contains saturated fatty acids that have emollient properties. What are emollient properties? An emollient is a fat or oil that fills in gaps in dry skin, making it smooth. The biggest advantage is that coconuts are available in the market all year long. So, remember this herbal remedy in every situation.
- Oatmeal bath
What is oatmeal? As per Wikipedia, Oatmeal is a preparation of oats that have been de-husked, steamed, and flattened, or a coarse flour of hulled oat grains (groats) that have either been milled (ground) or steel-cut.
How does it help our skin? Oatmeal extracts have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, therefore making them a natural ingredient for the treatment of dry skin. We can use them by adding powdered oatmeal to a bath or using creams that contain oatmeal.
- Drinking milk
A 2015 study came up with an astonishing result. It found that a fat contained in milk, called phospholipid, improved the skin barrier in mice when added to their diet. Though more research is required to see if drinking milk has the same effect on the skin in humans yet it suggests that a diet including milk could improve dry skin. That being the case, consider including it as a part of your diet.
- Honey
Honey. How could this one be skipped when we are talking about skin? Honey encompasses innumerable benefits, some of those being its moisturizing, healing, and anti-inflammatory properties. Hands down, all these qualities hint that honey is an ideal at-home treatment to relieve dry skin. It is natural and hence can be applied directly to the skin.
- Petroleum jelly
This natural remedy does wonders for aged people in particular. How do we know this? In 2017, thorough research was conducted in this field, and it concluded that the skin barrier in older people improved after they used petroleum jelly.
Even for some minor wounds such as cuts, scrapes, and scratches, you can use petroleum jelly to keep the wound moist. This consequentially helps prevent the wound from drying out and forming a scab, as scabs take longer to heal. Additionally, the use of petroleum jelly also helps prevent a scar from getting too large, deep, or itchy.
- Aloe vera
I am sure you must have heard of this one from the ladies of your home many times. So, to get the maximum relief from dry skin on your hands or feet, you can apply aloe vera gel and cover the affected area with a sock or glove. You can even prefer to do this before going to bed and by leaving the gel on all night. If you have dry skin on any other area of the body, applying aloe vera gel liberally and allowing it to soak in may achieve a similar effect.
How can you avoid dry skin?

Since your skin is your responsibility, you have to ensure that you keep it moisturized as well as avoid things that may trigger dryness or irritation, including:
- Any kind of scratching of the skin
- An excessive air conditioning
- Shaving hair using a blunt razor or without shaving gel
- Bathing or showering frequently
- Rubbing the skin with pressure
- Taking showers when the water is too hot
And that is all for this time. Strictly follow these instructions to have skin that is shiny as well as healthy. It is especially important during the winter that you give it some extra care. At times people have even observed that any environmental factors or aging is not the cause of their dry skin, if this happens to be the case with you then you should have a word with your doctor and come to terms with your underlying condition.
If home remedies and store-bought moisturizers are not alleviating the symptoms of dry skin, then you may also wish to speak to a pharmacist about over-the-counter treatments. No matter how occupied you may be, it is important to keep your skin moisturized and treat dry skin as soon as possible. If left untreated, dry skin can lead to red patches, bleeding, bacterial infection, and swelling. If you have already suspected that your skin has become infected, then you should see a doctor at the earliest.